Welcome to Cantaous Innovative Project
We are an integrated rehabilitation centre for addiction.
We participate in the healing and empowering ministry to restore human dignity and wholeness of health of our brothers and sisters. In treating the patients we have the holistic approach to give them physical, psychological and spiritual health care.
Our Mission
For Alcoholics and Drug Addicts which started in the year 1989, by giving special attention towards the healing of Alcoholics Addiction which is greatly prevalent among the vulnerable youth in the whole area. Cantaous Innovative Project (CIP) has worked as a unit of Fr. Patrao Hospital since 29 years and has treated not less than 250-300 addicts each year. And at least with 70% of success in de-addicting.
Educative Sessions Provided
- Motivation
- Methods stay sober
- Addiction –a disease
- Personality defects
- Co-dependency
- Building relationships
- Conflict resolutions
- Assertiveness
- Nutrition
- Denial
- Anger Management
- Grief
- Violence
- Self Esteem
- Values and Spirituality
- Stress management
- Communication Skills
- Drug abuse & S.T.D/HIV/AIDS
- Dry drunk Syndrome
- Relapse
- Recovery
- Financial Management
- Daily Meditation
- Yoga
- Individual & Family Counseling
- Regular systematic scientifically planned programme Detoxification & Medical care
- A Meeting every Sunday and Thursday
- Preventive education & Awareness programme to the youth in the colleages, high school childern, youth clubs, village people, Gramasabha, Factory workers, Auto drivers, conductors associations, Police people, Teachers on how to deal with the children of Alcoholics and all high risk groups.
Group therapy
Art therapy
Cognitive behavior therapy
Life skills training
Our Models
We are an organisation that believes in Jesus, who touched and healed the sick and the sinners.

Our Objectives
Strengthened by the deep and personal love of our Higher Power. Being Conscious that we are called to Heal the Alcoholics.
We take personal responsibility to live honestly and humbly. Facing the challenges even in the midst of rejections and painful experiences with patient endurance, conscious of the Sacredness of the alcoholic and his family members. We will make every effort to be available approachable kind gentle, compassionate and considerate, considering each one as our brother and sister.